
Join a Leadership Cohort

As a leader of a mission-driven organization, odds are you’re addressing a massive cause with a fraction of the team and budget you could use to achieve your mission. Your communications team may be a few people with communications-related responsibilities or a new professional still learning the field – or it may be that you are balancing communications decisions alongside everything else on your plate, whether or not you personally have extensive experience in advocacy communications.

In an ideal world, your advocacy communications strategy would fully support your organizational strategy, your team would recognize how critical effective communication is to achieving your mission, and all team members would understand their role in supporting advocacy communications and collaborate across your organization to ensure the hard work you do internally connects with those you need to reach externally.

Enthusiasm isn’t enough. Your team needs strategy.

In addition to programming that builds the expertise of new and emerging professionals on your team early in their tenure, Stories Change Power equips leaders like you with tools to promote clarity and collaboration across your organization to achieve your mission. 

Small cohorts provide space for learning best practices and exchanging knowledge among a select group of mission-driven leaders. We specifically design each cohort to equip you with the tools and strategies you need to inspire your team, foster collaboration, and drive effective advocacy communications across your organization. 


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