New & Emerging Professionals

Join a Learning Community

If you are seeking to shape laws, policies, and systems, it's because you want to make a difference. You want your work to have meaning and build a better future. 

Far too often, people in advocacy (including advocacy communications) begin with high hopes but later find themselves overwhelmed. Your background, whether in journalism, public policy, mass communications, or other field, may have provided experience with key slices of your role (or the role you're seeking), but other aspects are brand new.

In essence, you have the heart and determination but are still growing in practical experience.

We are here to help. Our small-by-design communities provide a people-centered, data-informed, and research-backed approach to advocacy that promotes building bridges across current divisions and encourages organization-wide collaboration. 

Join a learning community to expand your knowledge, tools, and network. You'll gain:

  • a foundation in advocacy communications, grounded in our Nine Rights framework;
  • insight from advocacy experts;   
  • research and resources to inform your advocacy; 
  • tools to maintain a healthy balance – both professionally and personally; and 
  • a broader network of peers in a setting that encourages candor, collaboration, and knowledge exchange.

Once you complete the course, you'll have the option to be paired with an experienced mentor to support you for at least one year. Your mentor will provide guidance, knowledge, and practical skills tailored to your needs.

NOTE: The terms "new and emerging" apply to people who are new to advocacy communication. You needn't be new in your career to benefit from joining a learning community. Past participants range from recent college graduates to professionals in the fourth chapter of their careers. If you are interested in advocating effectively, we have a learning community for you. 

At Stories Change Power, we know working to build a just, equitable, and peaceful world is both exhilarating and challenging. Our program will equip you with a strong foundation and a supportive community to take an effective and rewarding approach to advocacy.

What participants are saying...

"It's the best advocacy workshop I've ever attended by a long, long way."

To someone considering joining a Learning Community, I'd say: "Make the time. The insight you get from getting outside of your day-to-day context and joining a Learning Community is incredibly validating. Everyone in the group had such different jobs from one another but we were all able to listen and be heard and discuss some of the biggest issues we face in advocacy comms."

“The program does not shy away at all from going extremely deep and getting to the core of things.”

"Talking with and listening to fellow participants was incredibly insightful and helpful in challenging my own thinking and generating new, strategic approaches to my organization's advocacy communications. Our facilitator was also tremendous in cultivating an environment of respect, collaboration, and open communication. The ability to converse for hours with others committed to the same ideals but with different approaches is a unique experience which afforded me a lot of insight that I was not expecting."

"[When it comes to the most helpful aspect of this program, i]t is hard to pick one aspect since so much of the experience was organic and cumulative. I think just having a place to discuss these ideas and issues in a candid way was incredibly helpful and uplifting."

“This program has given me fresh ideas for tackling problems I’m working on now and helped me think critically about our organizational process.”


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